Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Busy busy busy..

Woah i haven't posted anything in 9 days.. I think i'm about due for an update! Talking of updates.. I have put about 50 new photo's onto my flickr account, please check them out and COMMENT :) thank youu! www.flickr.com/photos/jadedowling/sets

So i have been very busy this past week, we got given a brief to draw a 5 meter drawing of a timeline from the beginning of the earth till now.. Which is really hard! But i'll explain that in a separate post when i upload my work!

We also got given a city typology brief, and when i was out taking my photos i ended up taking pictures of birds and swans, they're very distracting! Also got given a 2000 word essay, which isn't that bad, but i think the topic will be really hard, more to come on that though! Ooh and today got given ANOTHER brief to create a 6 page magazine about typography. I am going to be very busy indeed! But as soon as i've completed last weeks work i'll post!

Just a reminder =D


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